Saturday, November 22, 2008

After a three week break... a new commitment.

I quickly found that keeping up with blogging is challenging once I started working full time again. Everyone knows how it is when you first start a new job... it's tiring. My brain has been on overload trying to soak in all new information, learning new skills, socializing with new people and being 'on' all day long. By the time I get home, I'm exhausted. I've been dragging myself into bed not too long after dinner and getting prepared for the next day. With that said, I can't use that as an excuse. I was for the last two weeks, considering it an adjustment.. but its too easy to rely on that excuse. I have to break that habit... and now.

I have, however, been good at keeping tabs on our expenses as the month goes on. I do try to calculate that two to three times a week so to keep my goals in sight. So far, we're doing ok. Not as well as I would have liked, but definately better than last month so far. However, the month is not yet over, and we have to keep that into consideration. With the holidays around the corner, there are probably going to be alot more little expenses quickly adding up. I also anticipate last minute travel plans.

Looking at the short term goals I set up for myself four weeks ago, this is where I stand:
1. Increase Savings: I've only had one paycheck so far, which a portion did go into savings. On the right track.

2. Roll-over: Have not even looked into this. Stalled!

3. Eliminate PLUS loan: Made a payment using available cash from first paycheck. On the right track.

4. Track Monthly Spending: As noted above, On the right track.

In my other category... well, as you can see, the time spent working on the blog is a thumbs down. Also, with wedding planning, havent even put the key in the ignition yet... Le sigh.

Well, as this is just the beginning, there is alot of room for improvement. (Which should mean I have alot to write about :-) ) We'll see better progress as time goes on!


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